a blog about images by Richard Greatrex




  1. Francis Tinsley

    I was in London the other day to visit the National Gallery. Something I often do to remind myself of good painting. It’s often when my own work is not going well. At this time of the year there are a lot of tourists and the one thing that makes them different from tourists of say twenty years ago is there are no cameras. Not the big camera bag strapped to the hip with telephoto lenses of various sizes and rolls of film and filters and all the rest. It’s now the ubiquitous phone. All the expensive camera shops missing from the high street. I still have my old 35mm SLR. In fact I retrieved it from the box it lives in from the cupboard in my studio after one such adventure up town. I was shocked to find it has a film still inside. Half exposed. I decided to leave it in there. And when I’m gone someone who knows nothing about cameras will open it and expose the film and all will be lost. Or maybe they will leave it as I have done. it’s back in it’s box now. Something rather warming about it.

  2. Ralph

    Dear Richard, a number of comments but first a generalisation. I have wanted to comment on many of your postings but held myself back because to some degree I simply disagree with lots of your suppositions (although, I grant, many others may hold and uphold them). But I’m not going to do that today! The Americans is a book I actually have!
    I always look at your posted photographs before I read the texts. What a familiar trap images are, leading one momentarily down wrong paths and misdirection. Is this what prejudice is? I immediately thought this was a picture of coal mining and south Wales, but it is not. Although it has many likenesses, the hills, the pithead, the smoke, there are indicators that this is not so. The cars for one. Then the buildings for another – there are no terraced houses. And perhaps there is another unconscious connection at play, the fact that Robert Frank (like many other famous photographers seem to have a fetish for Welsh miners) spent time in Wales. A brief bit of research informs us that Butte, Montana was not a coal mining area, but of copper, gold and silver – so it inhabits the same rich plunder and destruction that goes with these industries – thus, I guess, their familiarity and similarity.
    A friend of mine has written a couple of books about Rudy Burkhardt (both Frank and Burkhardt are both Swiss, as I believe was Vivian Maier, both contemporaneous, all 3 interested in similar subject matters). He profoundly dislikes Frank’s work – for why I no longer recall. I own a book of Burkhardt’s photography but haven’t looked at it for years, a lot of street scenes.
    I’m not sure we can say Frank was an outsider or indeed a pessimist, being an immigrant is fundamentally American. Unfortunately having Kerouac write the introduction is to already colour it with a sadness with which Kerouac always imbues his work – sad, lonely, lost but nonetheless celebratory of America.
    What I think is interesting about many of the photographs in the book is the photographer is viewed by many as an intruder but not a voyeur. Many of these photos capture this in their instantaneous – sort of hidden capture. My favourite is page 33, a consensual photograph, non confrontational, non voyeuristic and humane.

  3. Marina Spiegel

    Love Robert Frank’s work, thank you, Richard. Interesting to read the different perspectives in terms of his impact in the States.

  4. Simon Wild

    These blogs of yours are excellent Richard. So well expressed. Keep them coming.

  5. John Stratton

    Hello Richard,

    Thank you for this image – it is one I know as like many I have‘the book’

    Thank you also for pointing so much out.

    I have always been drawn to the sheer misery and bleakness of it, there is something Welsh about it I think – rain, industry, buildings there for hard dirty work, a community built to serve someone else, not to better itself.

    The person who took the picture is about to leave Butte, Montana. No one working there would need reminding of this scene and no one living there would want this view or be able to afford a camera (?) It is taken by a travelling person or someone wanting to make a social comment.

    It has a frontier feel to it but as you say it is an established place with street lighting and some domestic dwellings.

    The image also sticks two fingers up to the American Dream and most photography that preceded it. Nothing beautiful or tasteful here.

    What does the room look like Richard ?

    A good one,

    Best wishes



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